Planning your Summer Sewing Collection - Part 1

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I'm getting ready to sew some clothing items for Summer, and I thought I'd take a more thoughtful approach this year. So I'm putting together a 4 part series of exactly what I'll be doing. Feel free to follow along if you are gearing up for Summer Sewing as well!

Step 1: Make a Pinterest Mood Board of all the things that catch your eye. Colors, textures, patterns, prints, fashions, etc. I find when I make a board of all the things that I like, I have an easier time knowing more about my style and preferences. Go crazy and pin away! Then assess what things you might want to incorporate into your own closet.

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Step 2: Go through your closet and weed out anything you don't wear or like anymore. Marie-Kondo-it-up in there! For every piece of clothing you plan on making or acquiring, make sure that at least 1-2 items of unloved clothing leave first! That way you'll have plenty of room for your newly made items to breathe!

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Step 3: Now that you have sorted through your closet, make an assessment list of items you are lacking. Do you need more shorts? Skirts? Tops? Comfortable pants? Figure out what you need and make a list.

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Step 4: Take the list of items that your closet is lacking and take another look at your Pinterest Board. Compare the two... is there good inspiration on your Pinterest Board for the things on your list? Or do you need to look again and add more inspiration pins? Figure out a few ideas of things you want to make, but don't bite off more than you can chew! Give yourself a nice reasonable goal.

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Now get started! Next week we will be talking about sketching out our designs!


Part 2 - Planning your Summer Sewing Collection


Recreating Your Favorite Pinterest Inspired Designer Looks